Overview of the main idea (3 sentences)

The main idea behind this paper is that exporting data from a database (materializing the result set, serializing it and wiring it) is actually very expensive. In a lot of queries, this will be more expensive than the query execution time itself. For ML and other data science use cases, this is very bad because not all computation can and should be moved to the database. So, the authors looks at the most common database wire protocols and test them thoroughly, while also looking for areas of improvement for them. Then, they implement a new protocol on top of MonetDB and PostgreSQL and test their improvements.

Key findings / takeaways from the paper (2-3 sentences)

System used in evaluation and how it was modified/extended (1 sentence)

The authors test a variety of DBMSs (Oracle, MonetDB, PG, MySQL), but they specifically modify Postgres and MonetDB with a new serializer.

Workload Evaluated (1 sentence)

Raw Notes